Advanced Search


  YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2013-02-15

  YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2013-02-18

Search for the author

Type in the full name, first name or family name(s) of the author(s) to find articles written by them.

Example: type in Zuo or Zhe in the “Author” blank to display all the articles written by Zuo Zhe or stories having Zuo Zhe as one of the co-authors.

Search for text

To search for articles containing two words or phrases, please type ONE WORD space THE OTHER WORD. To search either of the two, you can type (ONE WORD | THE OTHER WORD), including brackets. To search for a particular phrase, put quotation marks around the phrase.

The search is not capitalization sensitive. You can also search with exact phrases by putting them between two quotation marks.

For example:

To search for information about Shanghai and Expo in one article, simply type Shanghai Expo.

To search for information about either Shanghai or Expo, please type (Shanghai | Expo).

To search the exact phrase Shanghai Expo, please type "Shanghai Expo".

Search for a Single date

For example:

To search for articles on January 15, 2013, please type in the numbers as follows:

Date range from: 2013-01-15
To: 2013-01-15

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